About Harveston Aeration Solutions
Harveston produces smart aeration systems to help Agricultural producers maintain the quality and improve the storage life of any grain, nut, or seed. Our innovative systems help agricultural producers manage their product post harvest, delivering reliable product quality outcomes.
Our assembly and warehousing operation is based in Albury NSW to take advantage of the excellent manufacturing facilities and transport services available in the Riverina. We carefully choose our suppliers to ensure our products are of the highest quality and reliable.
We deploy the wealth of knowledge accumulated through years of research into the aeration of grains, nuts, and seeds to ensure our solutions work.

Our People
Our team has wide ranging expertise in engineering, manufacturing, warehousing and distribution combined with many years of grain storage and grain aeration experience.
Our Engineer is currently consolidating their knowledge by undertaking a PhD in the aeration of grains, nuts and seeds.

Andrew Fisher MBA, DipAppSci (Agriculture), DipProjmgt.
Andrew has 32+ years of experience in business driving success in management, sales and marketing, manufacturing and distribution, across a range of industrial and agricultural products, most recently as the bulk storage business manager for InfraBuild (Cyclone Silos).
Andrew applies his skills in product development to ensure Harveston's products meet customer requirements.

Mark White MBA, BEng (Mech).
Mark has 40+ years of experience in mechanical engineering, most recently as the silo engineer for Cyclone grain silos at InfraBuild.
Over the past seven years Mark has refined the silo models to meet evolving standards and customer requirements. Mark developed an aeration solution for Cyclone grain silos that met industry requirements and exceed customer expectations.
Our Advisors

Prof John Fielke
Industry Professor of Mechanical Engineering University of South Australia
Professor Fielke is based at the University of South Australia, Mawson Lakes Campus.
Since 1983 John has developed experience in the research and design of agricultural machinery, specialising in seeding and tillage machinery plus working in the area of product processing for the grains and dried fruits industries.
His work has involved 11 years as being the Manager of R&D for agricultural machinery manufacturer Horwood Bagshaw.
Prof Fielke’s current research projects focus on improving the processing of almonds and olives.

Dr Zelmari Coetzee
Senior Reseach Scientist Agriculture Victoria
Dr Coetzee is a leading Agricultural Research Scientist who focuses on newer technologies, research, innovations, and sustainable farming practices to help transform the Ag Industry.
Dr Coetzee is Mildura based and currently working at Agriculture Victoria's Mildura SmartFarm.
With extensive research experience in the physiology of grape vines and almonds both in Australia and in her native South Africa. She has been part of a larger research program at Agriculture Victoria on almond productivity and on developing future almond production systems.
Dr Coetzee is using the Mildura SmartFarm as a platform to investigate the design and performance of more intensive production systems and assess new technologies to assist in orchard management.

Dr Joanne Holloway
Research Entomologist
NSW DPI Wagga Wagga
Dr Holloway is the research entomologist for field crops in southern NSW and the leader of the Stored Grain Research Unit at Wagga Wagga.
After completion of her PhD, studying the ecophysiology of sugar gliders, Joanne was employed as a Professional Officer at the University of NSW.
Joanne joined NSW Agriculture (now NSW DPI) at Wagga Wagga Agricultural Institute in 2002 as a Research Entomologist.
Since then, her research has focussed on the identification and the development of management strategies to avoid chemical resistance in stored grain insects, and integrated pest management of insects in broadacre field crops.