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Reduce weather risk and improve product quality with an aerated storage solution.

A smart aeration system added to your storage solution promises to both cut costs and reduce risks for Australia’s almond growers.

Harveston's goal is to provide a cost-effective storage solutions that improve the process of taking an almond crop from the orchard to the processor, and importantly minimises post-harvest losses.


The key is reducing weather exposure by cutting the time required to dry almonds on the ground after harvest. This gives farmers control they have never had access to before.


After harvest the fruit can be picked up earlier and moved to an aerated storage system where it will dry evenly, preventing mould and insect attacks. This significantly lowers weather risks with the overall benefit of consistently better quality fruit.


Other advantages include the need for less labour in tarp management and increased effectiveness of fumigation, which all deliver cost savings.

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Harveston’s aeration systems are adaptable to all types of storage systems. Importantly they allow for a sealed tarping system and require a tarp vent to be effective. 


Harveston's aeration controller that uses a specific algorithm to interpret the storage  conditions and ambient environmental conditions to determine the required volume and timing of the airflow. 


The controller gathers all relevant storage and weather information and delivers it to a dashboard that can be viewed on any web enabled device. 


The stored product stack is enclosed in a ventilated tarping system that protects the product from the elements and provides a sealable enclosure for product fumigation. 


The solution kits are all prepared in Albury on the NSW-Victorian Border, from local components, and freighted to farms across the country. The systems are easily assembled with components, tools and instructions all provided.

Benefits to Almond Farmers

Harveston’s technology is beneficial to almond farms using conventional harvest and storage techniques.
Once aeration is in place, and fruit moisture is below 25%, pickup can begin this minimises time on the ground.
Conventional stockpiles are then tarped once and vented. Tarps only needs be removed at delivery time. 

The smart controller delivers the right air at the right time to manage stack temperature and moisture. Ensuring that insect attack and quality degredation are minimised. 


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In a Nutshell...

Our goal is to provide a cost-effective storage solutions that minimise post-harvest losses.


Almonds no longer need to dry for long periods on the ground, they can be moved to storage sooner after harvest with advanced aeration technology delivering MOISTURE AND TEMPERATURE CONTROL, finally putting almond growers in control of drying their fruit and maintaining control throughout the storage period.

TAKE CONTROL of your almond storage  with Harveston's aeration solutions. 


Our aeration CONTROLLER that uses a specific algorithm to interpret the storage environment conditions and ambient environmental conditions to determine the required volume and timing of the airflow. 

The stored product stack is enclosed in a ventilated tarping system that protects the product from the elements and provides a sealable enclosure for more effective FUMIGATION. 


Save LABOUR and INSURE against future climate variability with Harveston’s aerated storage solutions.


Our process is applicable across a wide range of GRAINS, NUTS and SEEDS, not just almonds. Modifications are required depending on the airflow properties of the particular product, but the core elements of the design and process remain the same. 


Our aerated storage rings are made from Australian-made steel and Australian-made recyclable plastics in Albury, New South Wales.

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